This school district is located in Polk County, where the majority of residents are huge Trump supporters. Not surprisingly, public education in this county suffers from a lack of support from the mostly MAGA county residents.
The Polk County school district average teacher salary ranges from $51,453 to $63,590.
The Clear Lake school district was on the low end in average teacher salaries in Polk County at $53,985. The increase in average teacher salary for the Clear Lake school district was 12.3% since 2011, which was far below that rate of inflation.
The Clear Lake school district Superintendent received a 24.3% pay increase during the same time. This was about equal to the rate of inflation and roughly DOUBLE the pay increases for teachers.
With this county being located adjacent to the Minnesota border, we urge teachers considering teaching here to explore teaching vacancies just across the border in Minnesota. Successful candidates could earn starting salaries of $10-15,000 more than what teachers are now earning in Wisconsin, with far higher career salary potential.
We rate the career potential for teachers in this district as a DEAD END job.
Planning on Returning to Teach in this District Next Year?
Have All Teachers Received CPI Pay Increases the Past 2 Years?
2023 CPI was 8.00%
2024 CPI was 4.12%
Sick of the School Board Lavishing Big Raises on the Superintendent While Screwing Teachers?
Time to Send a Message to the School Board.....
Without a Guarantee of a BIG RAISE for signing your contract for the 2024-25 SY,
Make your School District WAIT until the week of June 12th to return your contract.
All contracts due by Saturday June 15th.
This is one of over 200 Wisconsin school districts have SCREWED teachers (50,000+) since 2011 while giving MASSIVE pay raises to the Superintendent.
Make your District value YOUR RETURN for next year as much as they value the Superintendent.
Unless they offer at least a CPI raise for all teachers,
Hold off on returning your signed contract until June 12-14th.