This school district is located in Jackson County, where the majority of residents are huge Trump supporters. Not surprisingly, public education in this county suffers from a lack of support from the mostly MAGA county residents.
The Jackson County school district average teacher salary ranges from $51,789 to $54,523. The Black River Falls school district had one of the lower average teacher salaries in Jackson County at $52,032. The increase in average teacher salary for the Black River Falls school district was only 7.9% since 2011, which was far below the inflation rate.
Based on it's size, we think that the Black River Falls school district could have done a LOT better in both increasing the amount of pay the average teacher earns and the percentage increase in average teacher pay since 2011. Seeing both numbers relatively low in comparison to other nearby districts, we rate the career potential for teachers in the Black River Falls school district as a DEAD END job.
Like many districts, this district targeted most of it's salary increase numbers towards hiring and retaining newer teachers in the early years of their careers. Unfortunately, once again this district fails to provide a minimum inflationary increase for teachers who remain employed through their tenth year of teaching. If every teacher had been awarded salary increases equal to the inflation rate, we should have seen that the median salary for a ten year veteran teacher would have been $45,147. (Again-a really minimal salary, even in right to work for less Wisconsin!) Examining the salaries of all teachers in their first ten years of teaching, we found that salary amounts were totally random, with some teachers with 2-7 years of experience earning salaries nearly equal to a first year teacher.
Due to the astonishingly low salaries and random salary progression below the rate of inflation, we are amazed that this district is able to attract and retain teachers. For these reasons, we rate career potential in this district to be a Dead End Job.