District Info
Career Prospect: 
Might Be a Good District

Manitowoc County

County Seat: 
WCA District: 
East Central

Teachers are truly the nicest, kindest people in the world; generous to a fault looking to improve their students’ lives, often at the expense of their own lives and their families. For these truly wonderful people, accepting a teaching position in a county filled with MAGA cult members is a major culture shock.

We created this website to tell the stories of the many ways that Act 10 upended teachers’ lives and careers since 2011. These are stories that the Mainstream Media Bosses have intentionally ignored. Wisconsin’s Mainstream Media has supported the Republican Dictatorship that has ruled Wisconsin since 2011 through active suppression of reporting on how Act 10 decimated 50 years of improvements in teachers’ lives and working conditions. The Mainstream Media has endorsed many Republican politicians that keep the Wisconsin Republican Dictatorship alive and well.

Teaching and living in this county requires one to be comfortable with being treated as a second class citizen at best, and more likely shunned as a pariah by the majority of your neighbors. Many of your neighbors will be angry Trump-worshipping bullies who are still pissed at teachers for the closing of schools for 2 months at the beginning of the pandemic  Most of your neighbors give 100% support to Republican candidates who have worked to defund public education and punish teachers for making kids wear masks when in-person classes resumed.  

Before the majority of your neighbors in this county joined the Trump cult, they were “Standing With Walker” to smack teachers around from 2011 to 2018. Due to Act 10 wiping out 50 years of improvement in teacher working conditions and employment protections, thousands of teachers in counties across Wisconsin lost their jobs and careers.

Most of your neighbors will be MAGA Republicans who are strong supporters of the Wisconsin Republican Dictatorship that slashed over 4 BILLION dollars in state aid to public schools since 2011-the largest cuts to public schools in America, while giving the largest state tax dollar funding increases in America to private and religious schools that carefully select and retain their students in order to keep the “more costly to educate” (handicapped & disabled) students out.

Wisconsin is the only state in America without tenure or collective bargaining protections keeping teachers from being unjustly terminated or non-renewed. Since 2011, hundreds of teachers in Republican controlled Wisconsin counties have been non-renewed or terminated as retribution for signing a petition to recall Governor Walker, or making a Facebook post or posting a lawn sign supporting a Democratic candidate. 

Before you accept one of the thousands of open teaching positions in Wisconsin, we hope that you will give careful consideration to leaving Wisconsin for numerous other places in America(like our neighbors in Minnesota & Illinois) that appreciate and welcome high quality teachers to become productive residents of their state and boost their states’ economies far ahead of Wisconsin’s stagnant economic growth since Act 10 was imposed in 2011 by the Republican Dictatorship that still rules Wisconsin.

Since 2011, thousands of great teachers and administrators have enjoyed significant career advancement by leaving Wisconsin. We think that you will too.

Political Environment
2016 Election: 
58% Trump
2018 Election: 
60% Walker
2020 Election: 
61% Trump
COVID Rate: 
56% Fully Vaccinated
Money Stolen From This District's Taxpayers to Fund School Vouchers Across Wisconsin
Latest Available Data: 2022-23 School Year: 
The Republican Dictatorship that rules 'Wisconsin has underfunded public schools since 2011 while giving the largest funding increases in America to private & parochial voucher schools.
Average Teacher Salaries
2010-2011 Average Salary: 
2022-23 Projected Salary at 26.3% Inflation Rate: 
2022-23 Average Salary: 
Average Teacher Salary Performance
WERC Inflation Rate Since July 2011 : 
Real Salary Change: 
2022-23 Purchasing Power Change : 

This school district is located in Manitowoc County. By a strong majority, the residents of this county are strong Trump supporters, and spent 2012-2018 Standing With Walker. Not surprisingly, public education in this county suffers from a lack of support from many county residents who are strong MAGA supporters.

Since the MAGA Republican Dictatorship that rules Wisconsin enacted Act 10 in 2011, teachers in  every school district in this county have suffered significant salary and benefit cuts imposed by MAGA-controlled school boards. 

Average teacher pay in this county ranges from $53,585 to 64,323. The Kiel school district average teacher salary was the one of the higher ones in this county at $60,667.  The increase in average teacher salary since 2011  was 26.7%, which kept teachers up with inflation.

The Kiel school board treated teachers and the Superintendent equally since 2011 in terms of pay increases. The Superintendent pay rose by 27.5%. We have found that school districts where this happens are generally pretty good places to teach.

We do caution anyone considering teaching and living in Kiel to do some research on the allegations of Racism in the Kiel schools and community and the response of the greater Kiel community.  Google is your friend here. Lots of articles & news stories, even some at a national level. 

Based on the numbers alone, we rate the Kiel school district as Might Be a Good Place to Teach.

Estimated Average Teacher Income Loss Since 2011 From Act 10

The Republican Dictatorship that has Ruled Wisconsin Since 2011 has underfunded public schools by over 4 Billion dollars in order to provide massive tax cuts to the wealthiest individual taxpayers and big business and manufacturers by severely reducing teacher salaries & benefits.

Superintendent Earnings
2010-2011 Superintendent Salary: 
2022-23 Projected Salary at 26.3% Inflation Rate : 
2022-23 Superintendent Salary: 
Superintendent Salary Performance
WERC Inflation Rate Since July 2011 : 
Real Salary Change: 
2022-23 Purchasing Power Change: 

Unlike teachers, the superintendent for this school district did not see his/her salary increase equal to the rate of inflation. Over the same time period, the Superintendent took a modest cut in purchasing power due to his/her salary not keeping up with inflation. 

Ten Year Teacher Salaries
Median 2020-2021 First Year Teacher Salary: 
Projected Ten Year Salary in 2020-21: 
Median 2020-2021 Ten Year Teacher Salary: 
Ten Year Teacher Salary Performance
10 Year WERC Inflation Rate: 
Real Salary Change : 
Real Purchasing Power Change*: 

We would like to rate this district as a good place to work, but we cannot do so at this time due to the significant allegations of racism towards children of color in the middle and high school, as well as the overall Kiel community. We are disgusted by the reign of terror imposed on the Kiel community by white supremacists who successfully bullied the School Board and overall community to rescind their support for children of color attending Kiel schools and living in the greater Kiel community.

We urge all prospective teachers interested in a teaching position in Kiel to carefully research the racial issues that have plagued the Kiel schools and greater community before signing a contract to teach here.