This school district is located in Racine county. Average teacher salaries in Racine County school districts range from $53,429 to $69,625.
The average teacher salary in the Raymond school district was mid-range in Racine County at $63,999. Since 2011, the average teacher salary increased by only 1.7%, the most minimal increase in Racine County.
Superintendent pay increased by 56.8%, THIRTY THREE TIMES the increase in average teacher salaries.
The Raymond school district is located in rural Racine County in an area filled with right wing Republicans who were Standing With Walker from 2010-2018 to denigrate teachers and use the "tools" of Act 10 to erase 50 years of improvements to teacher salaries, benefits, and working conditions.
Today, this area is filled MAGA Republicans, with more Trump or FJB flags flying than American flags.
Once upon a time, we have been told that the Raymond school district was a good place to teach. Now under firm control of a MAGA right wing Republican school board majority, teaching in the Raymond district is a tumultuous struggle each day to navigate the politically charged environment created by the majority right wing School Board.
In fall 2023, a wonderful principal who happened to be a gay man was suspended and then terminated.
As the principal contested his suspension, the Raymond school district posted the principal's employment file and medical records on the school district website, ostensibly in response to a Freedom of Information request by a "concerned citizen".
For several months before his suspension, Raymond residents used public comment time at School Board meetings to hurl gay themed insults and profanities at the principal, as School Board members watched and allowed these attacks to continue.
Though many parents were extremely supportive of the excellent job this principal did while leading the Raymond school, their efforts to reverse the principal's termination were thwarted by the overwhelming majority of MAGA Trump-worshipping voters who supported every right wing school board member who voted to fire the principal.
Teaching is a hard enough job without having to navigate the politically charged drama brought on by a right wing school board that brings their political agenda into everyday school operations. In addition to everything else, we now read that that same school board has managed the district into a significant deficit requiring severe cuts.
Update: The teacher cuts are beginning. At the recommendation of the Superintendent, the school board voted unanimously to non-renew the contract of the experienced school librarian, with plans to replace her later this summer with a brand new teacher with a lower salary.
Read the story to help decide if this would be a good district for you to work in.
With only a 1.7% increase in average teacher salary since 2011 and likely severe cuts coming, we rate career employment potential for this school district as a DEAD END job.
No report for 2011 District Administrator salary. 2010 salary was $106, 212 for a normal 260 day administrative contract.
In 2022-23 (and several prior years) the Raymond #14 school board hired several retired Superintendents and made the position part-time with either 109 or 110 work days. In 2022-23, Superintendent Michael Garvey was paid $69,796 for a 109 day contract, which works out to a salary of $166,485.87 for a full time 260 day position (for comparison purposes to the 2010 salary which was a 260 day contract).
Planning on Returning to Teach in this District Next Year?
Have All Teachers Received CPI Pay Increases the Past 2 Years?
2023 CPI was 8.00%
2024 CPI was 4.12%
Sick of the School Board Lavishing Big Raises on the Superintendent While Screwing Teachers?
Time to Send a Message to the School Board.....
Without a Guarantee of a BIG RAISE for signing your contract for the 2024-25 SY,
Make your School District WAIT until the week of June 12th to return your contract.
All contracts due by Saturday June 15th.
This is one of over 200 Wisconsin school districts have SCREWED teachers (50,000+) since 2011 while giving MASSIVE pay raises to the Superintendent.
Make your District value YOUR RETURN for next year as much as they value the Superintendent.
Unless they offer at least a CPI raise for all teachers,
Hold off on returning your signed contract until June 12-14th.