Average Teacher Salaries
2010-2011 Average Salary: 
2022-23 Projected Salary at 26.3% Inflation Rate: 
2022-23 Average Salary: 
Average Teacher Salary Performance
WERC Inflation Rate Since July 2011 : 
Real Salary Change: 
2022-23 Purchasing Power Change: 

Data Disclaimer

The information on this district page comes from a variety of publicly available information sources. Salary data comes from information compiled by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

We thank all who have contributed information towards the development of this page. Addtional information is always appreciated. Use the contact for to reach out - Contact Us.

Accuracy of Information: Every attempt was made to ensure that the information on this District page was accurate at the time of publishing. If a district has made changes to employment policies, practices, compensation or benefits, we would appreciate an email letting us know of the changes so that we can update the information for the district as soon as possible.  Send updated or new information using the Contact Form.

Thanks from the Teaching in Wisconsin Research Team.